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Certification FAQ's

Certification FAQs

  • The Certification Process

    1. What is the fee for certification?

    • Certification requires R 1,140-00 (incl. VAT) non-refundable certification application fee.

    2. How long is the process for certification?

    • From the time we receive a completed and corrected Certification Application and package, the certification process can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days to complete.

  • Prospective Certified Supplier Qualifications

    1. What is the criteria set out for qualification of a bona fide black supplier?

    • Your company must be 51% or more black- owned, controlled and managed.

    • The persons who make up the majority ownership must be South African Citizens.

    • The highest titled position in the business (i.e. Managing Director or Member, CEO, Chairman of the Board etc.) must be held by a black person.

    • The business must be headquartered in South Africa.

    • The business must be compliant with the statutory requirements of South Africa.

    • The business must be operating and can demonstrate a clear product and/or service offering.

    2. I’m a black entrepreneur wishing to start up my own business. Can the SASDC help me?

    • Unfortunately the SASDC only works with established-black owned businesses who are ready to reach corporate procurement staff. We don’t specialize in enterprise development because there is already an extended network of assistance in that area.

    3. I’m a foundation or a service-providing non-profit organization. Can I become certified?

    • No, unfortunately the SASDC does not certify foundations or service-providing non-profit organizations at this time.

  • Boundaries of Certification

    1. Does the SASDC provide any funding?

    • No, unfortunately we do not provide financial assistance for SMME development.

    2. If the SASDC doesn’t provide any funding, can it facilitate funding support with other organizations, including its corporate members?

    • If you’re seeking financial support we recommend utilizing other resources focusing on enterprise development. While there are many sourcing of funding for South African SMME`s, the Department of Trade and Industry has compiled a list of financial support resources to qualifying companies in various sectors of the economy. Please visit their website here for more information. Once you`re transaction-ready and seek exposure to our corporate members, come back and seek certification!

    3. If the SASDC doesn’t provide funding, exactly how does the SASDC support SMME’s?

    • With multiple options available to SMME’s for Enterprise Development, the SASDC aims to be the leading service provider fostering business linkages between transaction-ready SMMEs and corporate enterprises.